Astrum Entertainment Presents Beta Version of Gaming Platform Astrum Play
Game publisher and developer Astrum Entertainment announces the launch of the beta version of Astrum Play, a proprietary gaming platform. It will provide seamless user access to the company's projects and become an important step in the development of Astrum Entertainment ecosystem, which already includes the development of its own products and operation of foreign games.
The catalog of Astrum Play includes Astrum Entertainment games such as Warface, LOST ARK, ArcheAge, Perfect World, Allods Online, Battle Teams 2, and others. In the future, the platform will feature the company's new projects—the arena shooter NCORE and MMORPG Bellatores.
The interface of Astrum Play features a minimalist and intuitive design. “Our goal is to create a single point of access to Astrum Entertainment games for the community, where each functional element is aimed at making players’ experience comfortable. The platform was developed by an internal team, which allows us to explore the user experience and quickly implement enhancements. This approach will be particularly suitable for players who prefer to concentrate on the gameplay without being distracted by unnecessary details,” says Sergey Efremov, Operations Director of Astrum Entertainment.
Astrum Entertainment is one of the biggest Russian developers and publishers of PC and mobile games. The company's portfolio includes more than 20 games, including such hits as Warface, Perfect World, Allods Online, and Atomic Heart. Astrum Entertainment works with products of different genres: MMORPG, shooters, strategies, and others. The company's highly professional team consists of pioneers of Russian game development.